The $711.66 Endowment
The Price of Frederick Douglass’ Freedom

In late 1846, abolitionist and Quaker Mary Richardson of England wrote to slave owner Hugh Auld in Baltimore asking if Frederick Bailey’s freedom had a price. Auld replied that he would manumit Frederick for £150, or $711.66.
Richardson and other abolitionists on both sides of the Atlantic raised the money, and on Dec. 5, 1846, Auld filed Douglass’s deed of manumission – literally, “releasing the hand of authority”– in Baltimore Co. You can read a further description of the history at the of this monumental event at the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History website in an article entitled “Buying Frederick Douglass’s Freedom, 1846; A spotlight on a Primary Source by Hugh Auld, J. Meridith, and Walter Lowrie.”
Join the $711.66 Endowment
Join this legacy of abolitionists to help college-bound students. Join Frederick Douglass in the belief that, “Education is the pathway to freedom.”
Pay in installments or one sum. Send your “deed of freedom” made payable to Frederick Douglass Honor Society and mail to the Mid-Shore Community Foundation, 102 E. Dover Street, Easton, MD 21601
Thank you to our $711.66 Endowment Donors
Buck Duncan • Lynne Duncan • Birch E. Bayh • Katherine Bayh
Timothy Boyle • Bette Kenzi • Eric Lowery • Harriette A. Lowery
Paula Statkiewicz • Robert Tiernan and Ridgely Ochs • Nancy Thompson
Jeannie Whitesell • Dr. Peter Whitesell • Vickie J. Wilson • Brenda Wooden
Contributions are tax-deductible and made payable to:
Mid-Shore Community Foundation / Frederick Douglass or
MSCF / Frederick Douglass
The Bullitt House
102 E. Dover Street
Easton, Maryland 21601
You may also donate online at: Be sure to specify the Frederick Douglass Honor Society or just type FDHS.
Thank you for your support.